Monday, June 6, 2011

You make me so happy
that I question if this is real
I know this may sound sappy
but it's how you make me feel.

Even on a rainy day
I can see the sunshine
and today I can say
happily that you are mine

Now enough with the jokes
because i'm feeling rather deep
and this is no hoax
but you make my heart skip a beat

Monday, March 7, 2011

Important Parts

Love is one of the scariest things,

but it's what makes us human beings.

Some people will break our hearts,

and others are the important parts.

They're important parts of our lives,

and they're the reason love survives.

These are the people we call friends;

people we learn to trust to no ends.

True friends are there for you through it all

to catch you no matter how far you fall.

They're the important parts of growing,

becoming a part of you without knowing.

Thursday, December 30, 2010


unsure of what I want
even moreso of what I need
knowing what my hopes are
is all I've really got

hoping for acceptance
wanting to be on my own
fighting for independence
but so afraid to be alone

afraid of what's ahead
avoiding those of my past
so tired of being led
my life is going too fast

Happy, Not Really

I am kind

I am sweet

I am the happiest

unhappy person

you will ever come meet.

But that would make me happy

wouldn't you think?

Saturday, October 30, 2010

New Days.

I wander in the past
feeling loved and nurtured.
As the years go fast
I fear the future
and what's to come.
I dread not knowing,
but that won't stop the sun
everyday from glowing.
So I awake to face the day
with my head held high
because who is to say
that today I won't die.

Literature in the Marketplace

A woman by the name of Dickinson
wrote as if to maintain her health.
In a way, she simply wrote for fun.
She wrote not for fame, but life itself.

Most managed a meager living.
Life was tough for a writer though.
Always pressed for cash and drinking,
was the life of sir Edgar Allan Poe.

And then there were those,
those much like Emerson,
spoken words are what they chose
and so came the rise of lyceum.

Thus, through poetry and stories of fiction;
along with novels full of sentiment
through powerful lectures spoken with conviction
even in newspapers through the discontent.

And through the 18th century
you can certainly see
the developing of space
for literature in the marketplace.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Amazing Poem (Not by Me)

Cold as winter; strong as stone;
She faced the darkness all alone.
A silver goddess; a reflection.
A mirage; a recollection.
No return; no turning back.
The past is gone, the future, black.
Serpents gather in their nest.
And she stands above the rest.
Shadows hunt; she hunts the shadow.
The moon is risen; she stands below.
She views her world through the eyes of others.
Black and white; there are no colors,
As she looks down upon a shattered youth.
A shattered mirror shows a shattered truth.

-From the book the Shattered mirror
By Amelia Atwater Rhodes