Friday, January 29, 2010

OLD - My Night Flight.

When I go to bed at night,
my imagination takes flight.
In my mind, I am soaring.
I see a sky that is worth adoring.
And when I hear you calling,
I start unwillingly falling...
Then when you catch me,
I know that I am safe.
And one day we will meet
all because of faith.

Stop Thinking.

I do not wish hearts broken...
Could this be what I think it is?
I have forgotten this feeling...
I need to stop thinking like this.

Though I know I cannot;
I wish to see him everyday.
Even when know I should,
I cannot seem to stay away.

I am comfortable to speak
because I do not have to hide.
There is something about him
that makes me very happy inside.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Falling vs. Love.

Falling is the easiest part,
but deciding whether or not
love resides within the heart
is the hardest part to me.

How do you know it's love?
Is it something you should fight?
Would you know when
it's wrong or when it's right?

I know myself better than anyone else...
And so I have a tendancy to fall easily
which makes love that much more scary.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Was today but a dream...

I don't know what it was,
but I don't want to wake up
or fall asleep...

My mind is fighting
the flow of this flooded stream
of mixed emotions.

Falling is scary because you never know
when or if you'll hit rock bottom.

But I know that when I'm with you
this happiness... this me, is true.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Writer's Block.

Some more of the incompletes from yesterday/last night...


I can't pretend
that I don't believe
in the end. the end. the end.

I can't forget
the mistakes made.
The regret, regret, regret.


Do I need a million friends?
No. I just need one
who will stay by me
til the world ends.

Do I need to fall in love...


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Time Lost.

For a time
I forgot.

I forgot
how to write.

I forgot
how to feel.

For a time
I forgot
how to love
who to trust.

For a time
I felt lost.
I lost time.

For a time,
time just stopped.

For a time
there was no one.

That time
has come & gone,
but there was
a time.

Once upon
at time...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Last Days.

If yesterday was the last yesterday,
would you have any regrets?

If today were the last today,
would you have unfinished 'projects?'

If tomorrow were the last tomorrow...
would you be willing to forget,
the regrets of your last yesterday,
and finish what you started today?

Live life like there's no tomorrow
and leave nothing unfinished.

Try to live, but don't forget...
you don't want live a last today in regret.

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Incomplete.

Below are two things that I've managed to start, but not complete. Does it mean something?

Someone asked on day if I existed.
Then I asked do you see if within the word life?
Life is full of if's.
Isn't life practically one big if?
These questions persisted.


What am I doing?
That is the question of the day.
Or is it of life?
Why can't this all just go away.


Saturday, January 16, 2010


The little time life gives me in a day,
won't allow me to relax.

It feels like I'm just throwing my life away
while I sit in class searching for the facts.

Fact is life isn't going to slow down.
Not for you, not for anybody.

I'm stressed.
I'm in distress.
I'm suffocating
trying to breath
when I feel the need to scream.

I want to break free
but I'm afraid of falling
from this tree
that my family
has grown before me.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Keep Your Dreams Alive.

Written Sept. 9th, 2009. 2am.

In what others think, you perceive.
When in yourself, you should believe.

Don't let their words,
their thoughts get to you.

Just think or speak,
or write words of your own;
straight from the heart.
You'll be surprised you're not alone.

Be one of the few
to keep your dreams alive.

& always remember
to never, never, never

be brought down from your cloud
only to drown in this crowd
of broken hearts and faded dreams

when there is nothing left,
it only seems.

The Silence

You think too hard…
Breath. Think. Listen.

Do you hear the silence?
Can you feel
those cries for help?
In the silence;
The quiet of a library;
The tension of
a test-taking class;
The roar of the subway;
The talk of the crowd.
Can you hear the cries
through the commotion,
so loud?

Take a minute
and look around.
Just don’t think
as your legs hit the ground.

Relax & pay attention.
Listen and feel.
For the very first time,
can you understand…
the silence?

Love Motivation&Inspiration

Written Jan. 2nd, 2010. 9:40pm.
For those who inspire and motivate me through life...

it really is appreciated. (:

I used to think I was living in a world of hurt,
but I have learned that if there is any love
there is nothing in the world that has to hurt.
So to take away the pain love is my choice of drug.

There were days when I felt so blinded,
but the people I love believed in me.
Sometimes you just have to be reminded
to believe in yourself and be all that you can be.

I learned you don’t have to be so afraid
if you get lost or just can’t find your way.
You’ve friends and family to come to your aid
And they’re by your side, here to stay.

Then there are days I feel I don’t deserve them.
I wonder why they bother to stick by my side,
but they’re always there and that’s alright
because one day they’ll need me
and everything I will put aside.

My friends and family are the things I truly love
and love is the drug to take away my fears.
They inspire me to go above and beyond,
but they motivate me to live through the years.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Guardian Angel

Here it goes:

Give us the strength to make a difference.
Understand that we need your help,
Anything could help change the world.
Realize that our planet is dying.
Do we need to have a change of heart?
I realize that some of us are at fault here
And I believe that things need to change.
Now is a better time than never to change.

After a long time of waiting for some sort of answer,
Now is the time we need to take action.
Giving back to our planet is what we need to do.
Eventually we’ll live in a place so beautiful
Like a perfect day in where the angels play. (: